The voting phase for the fifth annual Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post Reader’s Choice Awards will continue through Friday, Oct. 11.
Over 10,000 nominations were submitted this year, the highest level of participation in the awards, according to Cindy Clark, Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post advertising manager.
The voting process allows only one submission per day per email or IP address, and votes must be placed in at least 10 categories.
Those who vote in 25 or more categories will be placed into a drawing for gift cards.
The winners in each category will be announced in November.
New to the contest is the publication of a glossy magazine that will feature and highlight the winners in the Fifth Anniversary Reader’s Choice contest, according to Clark.
“Winners of the contest will be listed in a special edition and have the opportunity to proclaim their superiority with featured package options (in print, digital, banners, plaques and window stickers) for purchase in the commemorative issue,” she said.
Those who nominated businesses and community members in 25 or more categories in Phase I of the contest were placed into a drawing for gift cards. Those winners were: Diane Schofield, Annette Mc-Clure, Lawrence Hirtzel, Carroll Jones and Angela Egli.
Marketing packages are also available for those who wish to promote their business during the voting phase. For more information on marketing packages, contact rc@fredericksburgstandard. com or call 830-997-2155.